Mantra has successfully delivered AEB provision in GM since 2019. Under the scrutiny of our Governance Board we have developed and refined our quality management to ensure high-quality outcomes.

Mantra Learning is committed to excellence in governance and is based on the following expectations, which illustrate the values and beliefs of Mantra Learning’s Governance Board:
- Putting the learner and employer first.
- Promoting high expectations and ambitions for learners and staff.
- Listening to learners, employers and staff.
- Promoting inspirational training, teaching and learning and assessment.
- Creating a safe environment for learners and apprentices to train, learn and develop.
- Providing strong strategic leadership and challenge to the senior team.
- Demonstrating accountability to all stakeholders, including publishing accurate and timely information on performance.
- Ensuring achievement of equality of opportunity and diversity throughout the organisation.
In order to implement and embed the expectations above which illustrate our values, Mantra Learning have adopted the Seven Themes of Good Governance, introduced by AELP in September 2018.
The Governance Board and Committees
The Governance Board at Mantra Learning is made up of three external governors and three main committees to ensure good governance.
Quality and Compliance Team
The quality and performance management team ensures that all members staff deliver to the high standards set out in the Job Gym Charter.